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Hospital point of care advertising: Print

Reach patients when and where they need it most and drive positive health outcomes by aligning your brand with our trusted educational resources.

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Leverage the power of printed health education in hospitals

Patients forget up to 80% of what their doctors tell them during appointments, making printed advertising a highly effective and useful strategy. Patients take printed material with them after they are discharged, allowing them to reference and review on their own time.

Hospital print is effective. According to Channels of Wisdom for Point of Care:


of patients recall receiving print resources


of patients heavily used TV channel guides


of patients recalled health-related ads

Take advantage of our wide variety of print solutions

Bedside print solutions

Connect with patients right where they are. Options include condition-specific health guides, channel guides, and in-room posters, as well as table tents and bookmarks.

Patient discharge kits

Help inform patients with these educational materials. Explain what to expect after discharge and how to maintain care at home. Checklists and bookmarks are also available.

Hospital common-area solutions

Put print in the most-used areas of the hospital to reach caregivers, family and friends of patients, as well as the general public. Options include posters, table tents, booklets, and brochures.

“Back-office” media

Reach providers, nurses, and other healthcare professionals in their own private environs. Posters and table tents are available.

Leverage our other media touchpoints


Digital advertising

Deliver the right message at the right time in a patient’s journey and vastly grow your audience reach through our hospital point of care digital solutions.

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Hospital TV advertising

WebMD TV, our waiting and in-room hospital TV solution, helps you reach your target audience and educate them on critical topics during their care journey.

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