Health plans
Expand your payer organization by attracting new members, retaining existing ones, optimizing their engagement, and improving outcomes to increase satisfaction.

Acquire the right members
Our health plan marketing services help you target, engage, and convert consumers as they seek health insurance. Once you’ve acquired new consumers, leverage our Platform Solutions to target and engage members throughout their journey by flexibly integrating with your marketing execution and automation investments.
Control costs
We help you keep members healthier by providing personalized educational engagements at every step of their journey, making it easier for them to manage their care and ultimately saving you costs.

Improve care management
Our technology-driven Care Management and Risk Mitigation solutions come with a proven track record of integrating successfully with your internal systems. Automatic content updates reduce IT workload and ensure content is always consistent with the latest guidelines. Strengthen members' trust in your organization by equipping care managers with current, relevant education and useful tools. By offering resources through your care management programs, based on member profile and health needs, you improve their satisfaction while lightening your IT team's load.
Increase customer satisfaction and retention
Quality education is a key component of member satisfaction. Our Content Solutions help health plans provide seamless learning experiences that influence members throughout their entire health journey, from choosing the right plan, navigating and accessing benefits, or securing ongoing health management.
Regularly connecting with your members through relevant, customized, and culturally appropriate messaging improves satisfaction and retention. Take advantage of our Marketing Solutions to reach and motivate current members through targeted, personalized digital and print communications, delivered in their preferred format. And our Analytics Solutions help you better understand your health plan members and optimize retention rates.

Build and manage your brand reputation
Reach members with consistent messaging and digital experiences. So when the time comes to choose a health insurance plan, your health plan is top-of-mind.