167 health systems honored in the 2023-2024 WebMD Choice Awards

WebMD has announced the recipients of the 2023-2024 WebMD Choice Awards. The WebMD Patient Choice Awards and Medscape Provider Choice Awards are granted to health systems within the top 30% of patient or provider preferences in a local market, respectively. Health systems that rank in the top 30% of both patient and provider preferences and receive twice the percentage points of their next ranking competitor are honored with the WebMD Elite Choice Award. This year, 167 health systems were recognized, including 26 WebMD Elite Choice Award recipients. See all 2023-2024 WebMD Choice Awards recipients here.
Congratulations to all those recognized! The award recognition supports patient acquisition, brand promotion, patient engagement, media outreach, and community engagement efforts. Licensing is free and can be requested here.
Learn more about how the WebMD Choice Awards can help your brand