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How healthcare organizations are approaching the pixel privacy conundrum

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New technologies create new headaches for healthcare organizations

Healthcare marketers want to drive business to their organization, and have a myriad of ways to do so through digital experiences. But with pixel tracking technologies like Meta℠ Pixel, concerns are being raised about protecting both personal health information (PHI) and electronic personal health information (ePHI). 

This white paper, which received Merit in the '24 Digital Health Awards, explores the challenges of these new technologies, and highlights how healthcare organizations are struggling to stay compliant with respect to HIPAA privacy laws. It examines:

  • Changing HIPAA laws, advancements in technology, and how we got to this point
  • What pixel tracking technology is and why it has become controversial
  •  What healthcare organizations are considering to balance the needs for both marketing and privacy protection

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Pixel privacy conundrum


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