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5 key priorities to improve patient retention

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Patient looking over information with doctor
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Patient retention is every bit as important as acquisition

Healthcare marketers, like their counterparts in other industries, are charged with customer acquisition and retention. But many have made the mistake of focusing primarily on acquisition. As healthcare becomes increasingly consumer driven and access to care points proliferate, marketers must embrace their role in driving  long-term loyalty. 

The good news is that healthcare organizations already have many existing patients, and a wealth of information about them. As this ebook explains, successfully improving  patient retention will be the result of:

  • Understanding your current retention rates and being able to model the effect of improvements you make
  • Developing actionable strategies and evolving them over time
  • Having the means to measure and monitor success

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Here’s another helpful resource about patient education and adherence:

Patient looking at health information on a tablet

The impact of knowledge: Patient education improves compliance and outcomes


Read it now

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