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Editor's Note: This blog was published prior to the transition to WebMD Ignite.

WebMD TV delivers reliable healthcare information to patients and caregivers on the world’s most universal platform—TV.

WebMD Provider Services announces the launch of WebMD TV! Now hospitals can improve patient experience, build their brand reputation, and reinforce clinical initiatives with one engaging, modern, and customized TV platform.

"At WebMD, our mission is to be with a patient for their entire journey, from Discovery to Recovery. Now, our presence within the health system, in patient rooms and outpatient clinics, will enable patients to continue to access our high quality content to make informed decisions... Our ability to reach patients with content they enjoy engaging with but that also gives them information they can use to make the best decision ultimately results in better health outcomes."
~Ann Bilyew, GM, WebMD Provider Services


HubSpot Video


With WebMD TV, hospitals provide a supercharged channel experience at the patients’ bedsides and in waiting rooms by offering thousands of videos, custom messaging, personalization features, and multiple points of activation to connect patients to services across their facility’s ecosystem.

“The launch of WebMD TV exemplifies WebMD's commitment to personalize the patient experience across their health journey. Available on any television in a health system, patients now have easy access to informative, engaging, and motivational programming, with the ability to further personalize their experience using their smart device.”
~Richard Bootes, Vice President of Strategy, WebMD Provider Services

WebMD TV is a key piece in fulfilling WebMD’s mission to enable people to live better lives by empowering them to make well-informed decisions that can improve their overall well-being and health outcomes. No matter where they are in their health journey, from Discovery to Recovery, WebMD is connecting the dots, delivering the information consumers need whenever and wherever they need it.

Contact us today at webmdtv@webmd.net to talk about how WebMD TV can move your patients to better outcomes while amplifying your hospital’s reputation and reinforcing clinical protocols.

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