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Advertising Standards

Commercials & Advertisements 

WebMD Ignite provides relevant educational content to assist hospitals in providing better patient care via digital content libraries, print and through a TV delivery system. Due to the highly targeted nature of our audience, WebMD Ignite aims to present our viewers with commercials that are truthful, non-deceptive, tasteful, appropriate for our audiences, and consistent with our reputation, ethical standards, and channel programming objectives. To serve this objective, all commercials and advertisements running on any of our education libraries and channels are submitted to an external Review Board for review and approval prior to contract execution. Our standards and external review process enables us to ensure we are providing appropriate advertising to our patient and hospital staff communities. 

WebMD Ignite reserves the right to: 

  • Accept or reject any advertisements
  • Require elimination or revision of any material in advertising copy which violates WebMD Ignite standards, policies or guidelines; federal, state or local laws or regulations; or is otherwise contrary to the public interest; and
  • Reject any advertising where the advertised product, program or service could negatively affect its audience 

In order to determine the acceptability of advertising material, WebMD Ignite has the right to investigate the accuracy of all statements and claims made in advertising copy. This includes requiring the advertiser to provide substantiation or documentation, providing a reasonable basis for its claims. 

Guidelines and Principles: 

Below are some general guidelines and principles an external Review Board follows in making a determination on specific advertisements: 

  • Is the content false, misleading, or fraudulent?
  • Is the content discriminatory as to race, sex, creed, national origin, religious affiliation, physical disability, sexual orientation or language?
  • Does the content include, without limitation, unlicensed pharmaceuticals, health care providers or services, pharmacies and studies or clinical trials, which are not conducted pursuant to FDA approval or standards?
  • Is the content appropriate in the hospital setting and for the channel’s primary audiences; 

The following categories of products and services will not be accepted: 

  • Alcohol
  • Astrology
  • Firearms/ firearm ammunition, weapons, and fireworks
  • Fortune telling, phrenology, numerology, clairvoyance, telekinesis or other similar services and product
  • Illegal drugs
  • Lottery/gambling
  • Sexually explicit publications & services
  • Speculative Investments
  • Tobacco

The following categories of advertising will be subject to additional scrutiny: 

  • Cosmetic surgery
  • Issues of public controversy
  • Legal services
  • Medical & health related products outside of FDA regulatory oversight
  • Nutritional supplement and weight loss products 

To learn more about WebMD Ignite and our patient and staff education products, visit us at https://webmdignite.com/ or call 1.888.219.4678 or email customercare@webmd.net.